Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Flaneur 1

My apologies for the long delay! For these six images I am splitting up between two posts just to make them a little more organized. The black and white photo here was taken in Providence, RI on a sunny day. Walking past this alley, the steam seeping up through the ground (or building...) caught my eye. Purely as an experiment, I decided to see if I would be able to captureit, and to my surprise it came out relatively well. I'm terrible with angles though, and to me it seems like there is too much road, but I'm not sure.
The next photo of the mercedes driving past a dumpster I just thought was funny, because there are two very different situations right next to each other. I also like the color contrast between the foreground and background. The last of these three was taken at around 8:30 PM outside a fair in Hanover, NH. After noticing the facial expression on the balloon, there was no way I could not take a picture. I especially like this one because it looks like the balloon is looking out from behind the tent, which gives it personality.

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